Preached Novena for St. Thérèse

Novena for St. Thérèse Preached by Dominican Friars

Day 1 – Thérèse trusts that the Father delights in her.

Day 2 – Thérèse trusts that the Father forgives her with delight.

Day 3 – Thérèse trusts that the Father inspires her holy desires and He fulfills them.

Day 4 – Thérèse trusts the Father with a child’s tenderness and a warrior’s fierceness.

Day 5 – Thérèse became God’s little child, and in turn, a great mother of souls.

Day 6 – Thérèse and the Privilege of Suffering

Day 7 – Thérèse’s great love of others is undaunted by their sins.

Day 8 – Thérèse sweetens the saltiness of the Gospel, especially when Jesus sleeps in the boat and when He tosses His rubber ball.

Day 9 – Thérèse & Living for the Other Side: Eternity & Today

Day of Thanksgiving – Thérèse and the Holy Face of Jesus

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