Mass Intentions

Mass Intentions

St. Vincent Ferrer:
Mass intentions for St. Vincent Ferrer may be reserved in-person in the Parish Office Monday – Friday, 9AM-1PM and 2-4PM. The stipend for an announced Mass is $15 payable by cash or a personal check. Unannounced Masses can be reserved for $5. A Mass card is available upon request for deceased and living intentions.

St. Catherine of Siena:
Mass intentions for St. Catherine of Siena may be reserved in-person in the church office of St. Catherine of Siena Monday – Friday, 10AM-3PM. The stipend for an announced Mass is $15 payable by cash or a personal check. Masses can be reserved for a goodwill offering. A Mass card is available upon request for deceased and living intentions.

Stipend payemn

Purgatorial Society of St. Catherine of Siena

For a donation of $35.00, deceased loved ones can be enrolled in the Purgatorial Society for one year. Donors to the Purgatorial Society will receive a 6.5″x 8.5″ embossed leatherette memorial folder marking the enrollment.

Enrollees will be remembered in both the weekly and monthly Mass for the deceased friends and benefactors of the Dominican Friars of St. Catherine of Siena Church and Priory. In addition, members are also remembered in the annual Solemn All Souls Day Mass and the All Souls Novena offered in November.  

To enroll someone in the Purgatorial Society, please download the Purgatorial Society form and mail it the parish office along with a check payable to St. Catherine of Siena.
Or, you can stop into the Parish Office Monday – Friday, 9AM-1PM and 2-4PM.

Purgatorial Society Form

Mail to:
Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer and St. Catherine of Siena
869 Lexington Ave.
New York, NY 10065
Attn: Purgatorial Society

Donors to the Purgatorial Society
will receive a 6.5″x 8.5″ embossed
leatherette memorial folder
marking the enrollment.