Weekly Adoration Preaching

Click on the hyperlinks for the preaching for each week of the series.

Ordinary Time: “The Gospel of John”

During this second period of Ordinary time, we will be learning about the Gospel of John:

Lenten Wednesday Holy Hour Preaching: “Aquinas on the Holy Week Mysteries”:

During Lent, Holy Hour Preaching: “Aquinas on the Holy Week Mysteries”:

Christmas and Advent Holy Hour Preaching:
Reflections on the Immaculate Heart of Mary

During our Wednesday Holy Hour Reflections in the Advent and Christmas seasons, we are continuing our three part series of reflections on the Sacred Heart of Jesus (2022-2023), Immaculate Heart of Mary (2023-2024), and the Chaste Heart of Joseph (2024-2025) in the various infancy mysteries.

This year, we will reflect on the Immaculate Heart during:

The Gospel of St. Luke

During Ordinary Time, we will reflect on the Gospel of Luke. For the most part, it will be a chapter each week, but with some of the longer chapters, we will cover them over a two week period.

Eastertide Holy Hour Preaching:
The Sacred Heart and the Easter Mysteries

During Easter, we will be preaching on the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Sorrowful Mysteries

Image: “Noli me tangere,” Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel der Jüngere, ca.1626, Kunsthalle Bremen Museum, Germany

Lenten Holy Hour Preaching:
The Sacred Heart and the Sorrowful Mysteries

During Lent, we will be preaching on the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Sorrowful Mysteries:

Image: “The Crucified Christ with the Virgin Mary, Saints and Angels” (The Mond Crucifixion), Raphael, 1502-1503, National Gallery, London

Christmas and Advent Holy Hour Preaching:
Reflections on the Sacred Heart of Jesus

During the Wednesday Holy Hour Reflections in the Advent and Christmas seasons, the first installment of the reflections on the Sacred Heart of Jesus (2022-2023), Immaculate Heart of Mary (2023-2024), and the Chaste Heart of Joseph (2024-2025) in the various infancy mysteries.

This year, we will reflect on the Sacred Heart during:

Advent Evening Retreat Preaching Series:
Encounter the Incarnation

During Advent, scriptural preaching themes: