Parish Staff

The Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer and St. Catherine of Siena is served by the
Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Joseph

Parish Clergy and Friars

Fr. Peter Martyr Yungwirth, O.P.

Fr. Joseph Allen, O.P.
Parochial Vicar

Fr. Francis Belanger, O.P.
Parochial Vicar

Fr. Raymond La Grange, O.P.
Parochial Vicar & School Chaplain

Deacon John Powers


James Wetzel – Director of Music and Organist

Lee Ann Rubino – Business Manager

Karen Langer – Parish Administrative Assistant

Dan O’Leary – Director of Development –
Dominican Shrine of St. Jude

Jay Seo – Atelier Director/ Sacristan

Lisa Harrelson – Director of Religious Education

Lisa Lopez-Lupo – Media Director

John Davis – Facilities Manager

Tony Hicks – Custodian, St. Vincent Ferrer

Tracey Hicks – Custodian, St. Vincent Ferrer

Terrance Freeman – Custodian, St. Catherine of Siena

Friars in Residence at St. Vincent Ferrer

Br. Martin Davis, O.P.
Provincial Economic Administrator
Fr. Albert Duggan, O.P.
Vicar Provincial for Administration
Fr. John Paul Kern, O.P.

Fr. Columba Thomas, O.P.
Dominican Healthcare Ministry

Fr. Allen Moran, O.P.
Prior Provincial, Province of St. Joseph
Fr. Athanasius Murphy, O.P.
Dominican Healthcare Ministry
Fr. Albert Paretsky, O.P.
Priest in Residence

Friars in Residence at St. Catherine of Siena

Fr. David Adiletta, O.P.
Dominican Healthcare Ministry
Br. Ignatius Perkins, O.P.
Safeguarding Coordinator, Province of St. Joseph
Fr. Hyacinth Grubb, O.P.
Director, Dominican Healthcare Ministry