Sacraments of First Holy Communion, First Reconciliation, and Confirmation
Youth participate in the sacramental preparation program coordinated by Lisa Harrelson ( Adults who have not been confirmed should inquire with the Parish Office about preparing for confirmation.
Communion for the Sick or Homebound
The Parish Clergy are happy to bring the Eucharist to those who are ill or disabled. Please call the Parish Office to set up a time. Please do not be shy in asking for this service. That you receive the Eucharist is a matter of great importance for us. These visits need not take long, and require no preparation on your part.
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
Please contact the Parish Office if you or a loved one would like to receive the Anointing of the Sick at the Parish, at a nearby hospital, or at home (for those who are homebound). You may also approach any of the Priests after Sunday Mass. We usually have the Oil of the Sick available at that time. We recommend receiving the Sacrament if you are facing a major surgery, if you have been diagnosed with a serious illness, or if you feel you have reached a new plateau in the process of aging.
Arranging Funerals
Experience tells us that the best thing to do at the death of a loved one is to make contact with a qualified undertaker. These dedicated professionals will help you through a very difficult time, and they will be in contact with the parish. They will place you in contact with the priest who will celebrate the funeral. If you seek to plan a funeral in advance, the Friars, and James Wetzel, are available to answer questions and familiarize you with options for the liturgy.
House Blessings
It is customary to bless a new home, and to bless any home during the seasons of Epiphany and Easter. The Parish Clergy are happy to do this. Please call the Parish Office to arrange a time. The visit need not take long, and does not require preparation on your part.