Of the Apostle Paul’s thirteen New Testament letters, his First Letter of the Corinthians contains some of his most memorable teachings, including those on the Eucharist, Christian charity, and the resurrection of the body.
Join Brother Bernard Knapke in a four-week study during which he will begin to explore the contents of this magnificent letter and reflect on how it relates to our lives today.
The Bible study will take place in person at St. Catherine of Siena in Saint Dominic’s Hall beginning Tuesday, July 6 from 6:00-7:00 PM. The other three sessions will be held July 13, 20 and 27.
We ask that you complete a brief registration form so that we know how many to expect. Click here to register
A book will be available to purchase during the sessions or you can order it in advance from Amazon.
First and Second Corinthians: Volume 7 (New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament)Paperback – Illustrated, October 1, 2005
Please join us!