Infant of Prague: January 25 – February 2
Litany of the Infant of Prague
Lord have mercy on us. Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us. Christ hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us.
Most Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us.
O merciful Infant Jesus, Have mercy on us.*
Infant Jesus, true God, Have mercy on us.*
Infant Jesus, whose omnipotence is shown in miracles, *
Infant Jesus, whose wisdom searches our hearts and minds, *
Infant Jesus, whose kindness is ever ready to send us aid, *
Infant Jesus, whose providence leads us to our final end, *
Infant Jesus, whose truth enlightens the darkness of our hearts, *
Infant Jesus, whose generosity enriches our poverty *
Infant Jesus, whose friendship consoles our afflictions, *
Infant Jesus, whose mercy forgives our sins, *
Infant Jesus, whose strength invigorates us, *
Infant Jesus, whose power turns away all evils, *
Infant Jesus, whose justice deters us from sin, *
Infant Jesus, whose power conquers hell, *
Infant Jesus, whose lovely countenance attracts our hearts, *
Infant Jesus, whose greatness holds the universe in His hand, *
Infant Jesus, whose love-inflamed Heart kindles our cold hearts, *
Infant Jesus, whose miraculous hand raised in benediction fills us with all blessings, *
Infant Jesus, whose sweet and holy Name rejoices the hearts of the faithful, *
Infant Jesus, whose glory fills the whole world, *
Be merciful, Spare us, O Infant Jesus.
Be merciful, Graciously hear us, O Infant Jesus.
From all evil, Deliver us, O Infant Jesus †
From all sin, Deliver us, O Infant Jesus †
From all distrust of Thy infinite goodness, †
From all distrust of Thy miracles, †
From all lukewarmness in Thy veneration, †
From trials and misfortunes, †
Through the mysteries of Thy holy childhood, †
We sinners, Beseech Thee hear us. ‡
Through the intercession of Mary, Thy virgin Mother, and Joseph, Thy foster father, Beseech Thee hear us. ‡
That Thou would pardon us, ‡
That Thou would bring us to true repentance, ‡
That Thou would preserve and increase in us love and devotion to Thy Sacred Infancy, ‡
That Thou would never withdraw Thy merciful hand from us, ‡
That Thou would keep us mindful of Thy numberless benefits, ‡
That Thou would inflame us more and more with love for Thy Sacred Heart, ‡
That Thou would graciously deign to hear all who call upon Thee with confidence, ‡
That Thou would preserve our country in peace, ‡
That Thou would free us from all impending evils, ‡
That Thou would grant us blessings at the hour of death, ‡
That Thou would give eternal life to all who act generously toward Thee, ‡
That Thou would remain our comfort through Thy Holy Image, ‡
Jesus, Son of God and of Mary, ‡
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Jesus.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Jesus.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us, O Jesus.
Christ Jesus hear us. Christ Jesus graciously hear us.
Say one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be.
Infant of Prague Novena Prayer
O Child Jesus, I have recourse to you by your Holy Mother; I implore you to assist me in this necessity, for I firmly believe your Divinity can assist me. I confidently hope to obtain your holy grace. I love you with my whole heart and my whole soul. I am heartily sorry for my sins, and entreat you, O Good Jesus, to give me strength to overcome them.
I am firmly resolved never to offend you again and to suffer everything rather than displease you. Henceforth, I wish to serve you faithfully. For love you of you, O Divine Child, I will love my neighbor as myself. O Jesus, Omnipotent Child, I entreat you again to come to my assistance in this necessity: (remember your petitions)
O Divine Child, and still the great, omnipotent God, I implore you through your most Holy Mother’s most powerful intercession and through the boundless mercy of your omnipotence and God, for a favorable answer to the intention I so earnestly ask for in this novena.
Grant me the grace of possessing you eternally with Mary and Joseph, and of adoring you with your holy angels and saints.
O Divine Infant of Prague,
Hear my prayer and grant my petition!
Let us pray:
O miraculous Infant Jesus, prostrate before your sacred image, we beseech you to cast a merciful look on our troubled hearts. Let your tender heart, so inclined to pity, be softened by our prayers, and grant us that grace for which we ardently implore you. Take from us all affliction and despair, all trials and misfortunes with which we are laden. For your Sacred Infancy’s sake hear our prayers and send us consolation and aid, that we may praise you with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.