Friday, January 24 – Mass & March for Life

Camila Salcedo

Friday, January 24 – Mass & March for Life

Please join our parish in this year’s March for Life! Our day will start at 6 AM with Mass at…

Tuesday, January 28 – Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas & Enrollments to the Angelic Warfare Confraternity

Please join us in celebrating the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas!  We will have a special Solemn Mass for his…

Saturday, February 8, 10:30 AM – Parish Young Adult Winter Retreat

Save the date! All young adults who call SVSC their parish home are invited to join us for a half-day…

Winter – RCIA is Live!

Are you considering becoming Catholic? Do you know someone who is? Are you a Catholic who has not yet received…

Winter – Holy Hour Reflections

During our Wednesday Holy Hour Reflections, we are continuing our three-part series of reflections on the Sacred Heart of Jesus (2022-2023),…

Most Tuesdays, 6:45 PM – Mystagogy! Biblical Conversations with God: As a Person Speaks to a Friend

Mystagogy: Biblical Conversations with God: As a Person Speaks to a Friend The first series of Mystagogy this year will…

Every Other Thursday – Thomistic Reading Group

The Parish’s bi-weekly book club is currently discussing Josef Pieper’s “Guide to Thomas Aquinas,” which it expects to finish mid-January….

November – The First Letter of St. John

Through the next few weeks, we will reflect on the First Letter of St. John, acclaimed as presenting, in a simple…

Weekly Wednesday Adoration Preaching: The Gospel of John

2024 Ordinary Time: “The Gospel of John.” Click on the hyperlinks for the preaching for each week of the series….