Advent – Advent Holy Hour Reflections

Advent – Advent Holy Hour Reflections

During our Wednesday Holy Hour Reflections beginning in Advent, we are continuing our three part series of reflections on the Sacred Heart of Jesus (2022-2023), Immaculate Heart of Mary (2023-2024), and the Chaste Heart of Joseph (2024-2025) in the various infancy mysteries.

This year, we will reflect on the Chaste Heart of Joseph during:

  • the Annunciation to Mary (12/4)
  • the Visitation (12/11)
  • the Journey to Bethlehem (12/18)
  • the Nativity (1/8/25)
  • the Adoration of the Angels (1/15)
  • the Adoration of the Shepherds (1/22)
  • the Adoration of the Magi (1/29)
  • the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (2/5)
  • the flight into Egypt (2/12)
  • the Thirty Years in Nazareth (2/19)
  • the death of St. Joseph (2/26)

For the previous Holy Hour series, you can find the sermons here.

“Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, and Chaste Heart of Joseph,” Benedicta Boutique